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We have implemented a very interesting project for UNITHERM foundry – control of technology for regeneration of sand and production of injection cores. The main supplier was SAND TEAM, a company engaged in research, development and innovation of foundry bonding agents and technologies of foundry moulds and cores. The process of the technology includes extrusion, weighing, regeneration, cooling and storage of sand.
Customer | SAND TEAM, spol. s r.o. |
Year of Realization | 2014 |
Location | Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ) |
Technology |
Despite the fact that this technology was beyond our main portfolio, we were very interested in the project. Being involved in something new, even from a development perspective, is our strength. Based on the assignment we have designed the control of regeneration line that consists of extrusion grate, where the moulding mixture is released. Then the mixture is transported at the speed of up to 10 tonnes per hour to the storage tank and it is accurately weighed into regeneration equipment where actual regeneration occurs. Subsequently the mixture is cooled down and mixed with new sand in required proportion. All processes are fully automated and visualized. The technology is, of course, connected to the remote service support.
Regeneration consists of specific grinding of the sand grain's epoxy envelope until it is cleaned. The power for regeneration of a 300 kg load is 60kW and sand reaches the temperature of more than 100°C within several minutes. The output of the technology is 6 tonnes of sand per hour.
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