
Paint stripping

In the area of chemical paint stripping we represent the Italian company Alit Technologies. It is the world market leader in the design of innovative systems for chemical stripping of coatings and paints with low environmental impact.

Hot paint stripping


Cold paint stripping



Want to know more about chemical paint stripping?

Martin Hegr

Martin Hegr

Sales Manager (South Moravia)

+420 730 800
Tomáš Pidima

Tomáš Pidima

Sales Manager (North Moravia)

+420 731 435
Michal Brada

Michal Brada

Sales Manager (West Bohemia)

+ 420 603 280
Ivan Jurka

Ivan Jurka

Sales Manager (SK)

+421 902 912

Do you have a question or a specific request? Write to us.

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